What’s Your Organizing Style? Find out now!
After working with many, many clients over the years, and being deeply interested in personality profiles, Cami began to see patterns in how people work and organize themselves. She found that when she designed organizational or operational systems that worked with their unique style, the solutions had a more lasting impact. She realized there is no “one right way” to be organized (though many professionals will tell you that there is). To help people understand their Organizing Style, Cami created this Organizing Style Assessment.
A Quick Overview of the Organizing Styles
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If your Organizing Style is predominantly PROCRASTINATOR, you are a very social person who likes to have fun. You would rather do something fun than focus on “work”. You are a great networker. Out of balance, you can tend to put off work to have “fun”. You are very creative and have many great ideas. You may struggle with seeing the great ideas you have come to fruition, as you may have a hard time seeing the steps to get there, or not enjoy the work it takes to make them happen.
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If your Organizing Style is CONTROLLER tendency, you value structure and order. You must have everything “just so”, and what you perceive as chaos can be very stressful to you. You see the big picture, but may have trouble communicating to others the detailed steps to creating the vision you see. When out of balance, you can be somewhat inflexible, feeling that your way is the only right way to do things.
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The LEARNER Organizing Style values growth and learning. You like gaining new
knowledge and helping others to learn as well. You are fairly creative, but unlike the Procrastinators, you see more in details than big overarching ideas. When this tendency is out of
balance, you can have trouble applying the knowledge you have gained.
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If your Organizing Style is PERFECTIONIST tendency, you don’t like to be “in process”. You want everything to be perfect before others see. You like to be the best at what you do, and if you can’t be, you may have trouble following through on a project. Like the Controller, you like everything to be in order, but you see more in details. You are very good at taking a vision and “putting feet to it”. You can see and implement the steps to take to create results.
Why we are different
Quick sync new economy onward and upward, productize the deliverables and focus on the bottom line high touch client we need to have a Come to Jesus meeting with Phil about his attitude, so where the metal hits the meat best practices.
Re-inventing the wheel let’s put a pin in that high touch client post launch but good optics 60% to 30% is a lot of persent

Super Efficient
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Deeply Commited
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Highly Skilled
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